Sunday, August 25, 2013

Blog Assignment Week 8 Angie Woods: Professional Hopes and Goals

Blog Assignment Week 8: Professional Hopes and Goals                                                         1

Blog Assignment Week 8: Professional Hopes and Goals
Student Name: Angie Woods
EDUC-6164-8, Perspective Diversity & Equity
Instructor: Laura Tuthill
Walden University

Blog Assignment Week 8: Professional Hopes and Goals
Student Name: Angie Woods
This semester I have been dealing with a lot of finical problems just as well as trying to recover over a car accident but without the tuff times I had with trying to make it I have enjoyed the class.  This course made me learned more new things about me. Just as well as me learning about my biases affect in working with young children, understanding more about different cultures and families. As I think about working with many young age children and different families from so many different backgrounds of life styles. My main goal is to respect and cope with a great understanding of diversity, equity, and justice.  I truly will want the different families, young children and any of the staff that work in a public school.  I would want them to have feel very comfortable with me just as well as me working with many staff members on an everyday work hour and parents feel that their children are safe with me. Plus I would like to reach to the goal of having my parents trust by being involved in seeing that their children succeeding in learning academically not in non-threatening environment.
I would like to give suggestion of thought to people in  early childhood field is that by being a  teacher I would agree before they enter the field that people in this major should  read the book for course  anti-bias education text book. This book has helped me out so much by understanding different kinds of information in working with young children and different families. The text book for this course is more like a guide in directing me to become a better person in the field of early childhood.

I would like to give a  thanks to my colleagues, I do wish many the best even though I may not know who have had a struggle like me but if so I wish them the best. I just hope that all my struggles were worth me fighting to have a good grade and that I can try to continue to finish in this program from Walden University.  I would like to leave with my colleagues with reading most of my classmates posting. I thank my colleagues for encouragement with different ideals, wisdom  of words by me seeing the great different view point of many ideals, and I truly wish that some of my colleagues would have at least showed me concentration of  support in this class. But I thank you Dr. Laura Tuthill for being concern because am still facing pain but I thank you. This course has given me an experience to share from  this class from everyone I wish each and every one  success in reaching a goal I just hope I have success in life.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Blog Assignment Week 7 Angie Woods: Welcoming Families From Around the World

Blog Assignment Week 7: Welcoming Families From Around the World                             1                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

Blog Assignment Week 7: Welcoming Families From Around the World
Student Name: Angie Woods
EDUC-6164-8, Perspective Diversity & Equity
Instructor: Laura Tuthill
Walden University

Blog Assignment Week 7: Welcoming Families From Around the World
Student Name: Angie Woods
In my lovely discovery of my scenario of this week, the family is a Japanese family, which is located near Japan which is an island that is part of a nation in East Asia. Located in the Pacific Ocean, it lies to the east of the Sea of Japan, China, North Korea, South Korea and Russia, stretching from the Sea of Okhotsk in the north to the East China Sea and Taiwan in the south.
The five ways that I will prepare myself to be culturally responsive towards this family:
1.      I would research the different languages that are spoken in the Japanese family and then I will try to learn a few words or phrases just as well as the meaning of their writing because it’s so different from American writing. Plus I would try to find a translator who can speak every type of the different languages in their cultural may speak so that the translator can be able to help me communicate with the Japanese family.
2.      Next I would also learn about the economic conditions of the country and the area of the country that my family is from with the problem that they may be facing.  I would try to find out what type of work the family may have been involved in before they left just as well as knowing what good work ethics they can do. I know that I would have to provide the family with support in their change to the job or job’s in America.  I know that I will explain to the family how different the life style is in America from how it is in their country.
3.       I also would do some research on the education systems in both areas so that I can compare their education to how it is in the new location with a listing of best to the lease. So that the family can have the right to determine rather or not the family has any type of knowledge. Then with any type of early childhood education program have the family ever had involvements of being a immigrating to America for help for children/families as well. By meeting with the family discussing their understanding with educational experiences with many great expectations in how I would give my very best support with my great ideals and good benefit goals for their children/child and family.
4.      I would gather the entire family together to sit down and discuss with the family relationships with how their family relationships can work.  I would bring up to discussion with the family intergenerational relationships just as well as the understanding of the role of the children/child in their culture. I would also make sure that I would give them the understanding that everyone do things way different from how they may be use too because people have different beliefs about things some may be the same.
5.      I think I would reflect on any of the biases that I would strongly hinder my relationship with the family just as well as work on many ways to overcome the different biases in helping the Japanese family.
                I think by me trying to strength my understanding of many different families culture by trying to find many different ways to communicate with them. The main thing I would mainly do is learn about the families goals, values, beliefs, and plans on what great ideals the family are looking forward of doing.  I truly believe that I could accommodate the family which I would also tell the family that I could be I great help for their family in supporting the best for their family.  I think that it would be a two way of the both of us learning about each other cultural. Plus I would say how it is very intriguing for me to learn so much about them that most ways. How their different beliefs about things may also be a great impact to me and how knowledge would be a great impact to them about the two countries.

References List:

Where is Japan Located? - Answers‎ to find out where is Japan located; you must look at a map of East Asia. ... Republic of China, North Korea, South Korea and Russia, and Taiwan in the south.  http://answers. where is japan located.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Blog Assignment Week 6 Angie Woods: The Personal Side of Bias, Prejudice, and Oppression

Blog Assignment Week 6:  The Personal Side of Bias, Prejudice, and Oppression              1                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

Blog Assignment Week 6: The Personal Side of Bias, Prejudice, and Oppression
Student Name: Angie Woods
EDUC-6164-8, Perspective Diversity & Equity
Instructor: Laura Tuthill
Walden University

Blog Assignment Week 6: The Personal Side of Bias, Prejudice, and Oppression
Student Name: Angie Woods
I would like to share my experience of prejudice when I was working at the Walter Robinson Achievement Center.  This was in the 5th grade classroom and there were all black children and only one white child in the whole classroom. Now at this school there were other cultural children here as well but in that class it was only black children. The little boy spoke out very loudly that he didn’t want to be around the black children he called the “N***** word” he was very upset by being in the same classroom with all black children. The teachers walked him out of the classroom and had him in the hallway to talk to him about this rudely behavior. Which the teacher was white than she asked me to come and witness what he was saying to her about way he said what he said. I than ask him “Why would you say that you don’t want to be around black children” and then he stated “my parent taught me that it’s not good to be around a lot of black people”.  The white teacher and I then explained to him that living in the world today that he will be around all kind of people. Plus you would need not to say words that is racist toward another cultural because it’s not nice of him to say that because every cultural has a history of good and bad. “The principal told him that we are all same of being people some are different but something’s are not good to say because it hurts people feelings” Then the teacher went back in the classroom and explained biases and prejudice to the class before he came back in so that the children could have a positive understanding of the lack of his understanding of his word usage.  I did not make the child feel as if he had done anything wrong, but I really wanted to expand upon what had just happened.  The teacher, principal and I tried to handle the situation as fair and open as I could for the class in a respectable manner and I just tried to deal with the situation the best way I knew how to handle it at the time.

     This incident diminished equity because the Teacher, Principal and I restated the comment that really hurtied the black children feelings. Everyone could not believe that the child’s parents could be teaching him hateful things and words like to say about another cultural. The principal also stated how every morning that same parent would come and talk to her for advice, and now she felt as if the parent was mocking her and her culture.  Although other black teachers and other black students feelings were hurt by this child statement. Still as a professional every teacher and principal continued to treat the child with respect.  Everyone kept their same everyday kindly behavior as if he never made that statement about blacks.

     This incident reminded me of the phrase “be careful what you say around children because children are like tape records will repeat what you say and how you say it too”.  The child did not understand how harmful his words were even though the child parents had a very lack of understand someone else’s cultural I think he might not ever repeat their words. I believe as adults we must choose our words wisely because we never know who is absorbing what we say. Like an old phase “practice what you preach”.

     I am of how the situation was handling because it was more of an unexpected situation.  The teacher never retaliated against the family with disrespect of any kind of any of my knowledge in fact the teacher and everyone continued to love him just like her other students in the classroom.  Even though everyone knew how hurtful the statement was but the staff turned a horrible experience into a teachable moment by continuing to loving the child and taking the time out to give him the understanding of how to say kind words toward any culture not just black but toward everyone.  

Monday, July 29, 2013

Blog Week 4 Angie Woods: Practicing Awareness of Microaggressions

Blog Week 4: Practicing Awareness of Microaggressions                                      1                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

Blog Week 4: Practicing Awareness of Microaggressions
Student Name: Angie Woods
EDUC-6164-8, Perspective Diversity & Equity
Instructor: Laura Tuthill
Walden University

Blog Week 4: Practicing Awareness of Microaggressions
Student Name: Angie Woods

Describe at least one example of a microaggression which I detected this week or remember from another time. Well I can remember from another time I was at work at a Hospice and I had asked a question to a lady which was black. It was a question that I had asked related to hospice work. But the lady was going over the job applications out loudly about some people in who had a things related in having a day care center. So I asked the question how a person with a day care center can be helpful to a hospice when the hospice is looking for a C N a nurse.  The lady looked up at me with a very rude attitude and said, “So that I don’t have to be babysitting no one and looked at me. As if she was talking right toward me her statement made me feel not at ease because it was right toward me. Even though I know she does not baby sit me but it’s all how she made the statement then looked me in my face as if she is making it toward main what context did the microaggression happen? The context happens at a job area in the mist of other co-workers at a Hospice.  In around a whole crowd of people. I felt like that the statement was out of her way of being a professional. I felt like she should have kept her thought to herself.
What did I think and feel when I observed the microaggression or when I found myself as the target of a microaggression? When I found myself as the target of being mircroaggression I felt very uncomfortable because if someone is looking for a job if I may or may not need that person I would have never talked out to the public work area out loud about a person application because that kind of information is not for the public to know the company information.
In what ways did my observation experiences this week affect my perception of the effects of discrimination, prejudice, and/or stereotypes on people. My observation experience this week has effects in discrimination to my understanding because the way how she addresses the answer back to me. By me asking a question how can a Day Care help Hospice then she made a foolish statement.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Blog Assignment Week 3 Angie Woods: Perspectives on Diversity and Culture

Blog Assignment Week 3: Perspectives on Diversity and Culture      1                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

Blog Assignment Week 3: Perspectives on Diversity and Culture
Student Name: Angie Woods
EDUC-6164-8, Perspective Diversity & Equity
Instructor: Laura Tuthill
Walden University

Blog Assignment Week 3: Perspectives on Diversity and Culture
Student Name: Angie Woods

In meeting with some colleagues this week the topic of discussion was cultural diversity and each person had a different way in how they defined cultural diversity. I had a conversation with three wonderful people about cultural diversity. Each person defined cultural diversity: Person 1. He is a teacher he has been teaching over three years. He believes that culture is the way people have been raised to live by their family. He believes that diversity is a group based on differences of race, gender, sexual orientation, social class and disability. Person 2:  She is in a Head Start Program who has been a teacher for two years.  She believes that cultural diversity is the inclusion of diverse people in a group or organization that embrace cultural diversity in the workplace or school area with different types of culture of people. Person 3:  She is a Head Start Center Director for over three years. She believe that cultural diversity is a gender roles that shaped our culture’s ideals for masculine and feminine behavior in ways that have been modified but not radically changed since the early years of time.
What was interesting to me is that each person had their way of how they viewed cultural diversity. When I talked to person 1 once he told me he believes that diversity is a group based on differences of race, gender, sexual orientation, social class and disability. Now I had to ask him how disability went with cultural diversity. He told me because some disabilities are passed out among the community to be involved in helping different cultures seek help for people with disabilities. That is seen in the same light as equality for other minority communities where social structures such as prejudice, segregation, inaccessibility and cultural/religious beliefs are the problems.
In reflecting on my conversations with the three people about culture and diversity I have learned that still people defines cultural diversity totally different. I also learned that people have their own why in how they understand cultural meaning to the best of their own knowledge. I see I need to learn more about cultural diversity but I find that this was very interesting doing because so far what I have learn that everyone has their own social identity in what they believe in .

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Blog Assignment Week 8 Angie Woods: When I Think of Research

Blog Assignment Week 8: When I Think of Research                                                            1

Blog Assignment Week 8: When I Think of Research
Student: Ms. Angie Woods
EDUC-6163-3 Building Research Competency
Instructor: Jan Ferrari
Walden University

Blog Assignment Week 8: When I Think of Research
Student: Ms. Angie Woods

What insights have I gained about research from taking this course? The insights I have gained about research were the different ways in designing a research. I have gained insights on qualitative and quantitative designs by analysis research. There is a difference in both of the designs learning that quantitative design in early childhood education has a more usefulness in addresses a range of many questions in the field. Also learning more with qualitative design has a process of demands of researcher like more of access to the web. I learned that the qualitative design when collecting data information by using this design helps me to get the best information that is available to my knowledge in working a case. As the author says, “Case study researchers therefore aim at low-intrusion data- collection methods so they can do justice to the story the case is telling.” By me gaining information from this type of research in my field of early childhood using this design, I understand more in doing a research study.
In what ways have my ideas about the nature of doing research changed? My ideas about the nature of doing a research study have changed it completely. I only thought that doing the research was looking for whatever the topic may be. But coming to learn more about research it’s not all about finding whatever the topic maybe. Doing research has changed my way of thinking how research is all about. I have gained a better understanding in how to analysis a research by asking the right questions to collect the data collecting information, by having a successful research going by the right way in doing the correct steps in designs.
What lessons about planning, designing, and conducting research in early childhood did I learn? It’s not as easy said and done when hearing the word research. I have learned by planning finding the right design when conducting a research. By being in the field of early childhood the lessons, I have gained in order to conduct a reach in early childhood I have learned. Early childhood has a great aspect of everything plus research comes with asking the right questions for clear understanding in doing any type if research.
What were some of the challenges I encountered and in what ways did I meet them? My great’s challenges were doing the stimulation chart when gathering information on the chart. I think that was my biggest encountered of data collecting information. The charts were more of putting on information from learning from the different designs. In using the research designs that I have learned how to analyze when doing a research there is many steps. Not just focusing on the topic but understanding what I have did the research on or about more to my own understanding.

What are some of the ways I perceptions of an early childhood professional have been modified as a result of this course? My perception as an early childhood professional the things I have modified in resulting in this course. This course has made look at research in a more understanding way on how to do a research. Learning to ask the right questions just as well as analysis the information, plus finding the right designs before starting the research in data collecting before I can analyses my information. This course has improved my entire way as an upgrade in how to do my researches.

Reference List

1.      Doing Early Childhood Research /International Perspectives on Theory & Practice by Glenda Mac Naughton Sharne A. Rolfe Iram Siraj- Blatchford 2nd Edition

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Discussion Assignment Week 6 Angie Woods: Making Research Valid and Why It Matters

Discussion Assignment Week 6: Making Research Valid and Why It Matters          1

Discussion Assignment Week 6: Making Research Valid and Why It Matters
Student Name: Angie Woods
Instructor: Jan Ferrari
EDUC-6163-3 Building Research Competency
Walden University

Discussion Assignment Week 6: Making Research Valid and Why It Matters
                                                      Student Name: Angie Woods      
If I were the researcher, which version (or combination of versions) of triangulation would I use to ensure the validity of this study? If I was the researcher the vision of triangulation I would use to ensure a validity of the study. The study has a mixture of data collection of investigator and methodological. The main thing to me is the data collection when the children are being creating with the stories by using pictures, stuffed toy animals, puppets which younger children love to see and storyboards in other tools.  These tools help the product in a degree in analyzing the meaning to children with a version of demonstrations of the care of others. As the author says, methodological triangulation is a multiple methods to study a single problem. In this method of researcher to me can provide a reliable study because it’s multiple methods with the study of a single problem.  Even though it was many method used like in documentations, observations and interviews. Because the methodological triangulation  has meaning that modify  good research questions in the variety of different methods from evaluating data collections   used  in result  documentation in the studies. Plus another method I would try with my study would be investigator triangulation that has several researchers. I believe this is a more direct to the student or children creation in gathering information by evaluating the data collections from the study may be. In this approach it can ensure the result and data collection with the facts from other researchers. By doing any research it is very important in the studies that other researchers have at least the same or similar studies of up to date studies with investigator triangulation being used.
How would my choice(s) contribute to the validity of the study? My choices contribute to investigator triangulation, data triangulation and methodological triangulation.  With the investigator it’s more of utilizing information from other researchers by analyzing the data collection from the sources of the study.  In the methodological triangulation provides me with the understanding of I can use many different of methods like a guide in using the right method in the study.

References List

1.      Doing Early Childhood Research International Perspectives on Theory & Practice author Glenda Mac Naughton Sharne A. Rolfe Iram Siraj-Blatchford 2nd edition (Chapter 9 Qualitative designs and analysis) pages 163-164.